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To DIY or not to DIY your website


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The time has come that you need a website. Maybe you are just starting your business and need a brand new website. Or perhaps you have had your website for a while and now it is outdated and you need something new. Maybe your business has grown, and you need a website that can work for you.

Now, I’m sure you have seen the ads for website builders. While it is easier than ever to create your website yourself, it isn’t for everyone. 

How long have you been in business?

The first question I ask when someone is seeking website advice is how long they have been in business. You see, a lot of times, businesses who are just starting do not have the funds for a custom website. They don’t have thousands of dollars to invest in a website and have to save money wherever possible. This, along with the fact that as a business just starting, a lot of things are changing, makes me say that a DIY website could be a great way to go. As a new business, you may not know who your target audience is. You may not know exactly which services work and which ones do not. Instead of spending thousands on something that’s going to change and evolve constantly, it may be better to manage your website yourself and change it as you go.

Now, the DIY website is a bit of a double-edged sword. There are so many advantages to working with a web designer beyond a “pretty” website. Your website is your number one marketing tool, and it needs to be strategic. A web designer will help you take your content and break it down in an optimum way to lead to conversions of visitors to customers. They know where to place calls to action, how to optimize your website for search engines, and how to break up your text just right so that it’s easy to read and engaging. This along with the fact that designers often have a good ‘eye’ for color schemes, content placement, and white-space ratios make working with a designer worthwhile. I do have a solution to this, which we will talk about later in this post.

If you have been in business for a few years, it’s a great time to consider a custom website. Now that your business is established, you know who your niche market is, and who you need to cater to, you can go all-in on a one-of-a-kind website made just for you. The advantages of a custom website are that they are created around your content and images. Instead of trying to fit your message in a pre-made box, the website is tailored to your needs and style. You also get the advantage of working with a web designer who not only will make your website look great, but also knows the strategy behind websites.

The Pros and Cons of DIYing your website


  • It’s easier than ever to create your website with drag and drop page builders such as Squarespace, Wix, Showit, and Elementor for WordPress
  • There are lots of beautiful templates to choose from, ensuring you will have a good-looking site.
  • You could save thousands of dollars by creating your website vs. hiring a web designer.


  • Creating a website is time-consuming! That’s why they cost as much as they do.
  • Many of these page builders are on shared hosting, which can cause your website to be slow and sometimes even not as secure.
  • You don’t know what needs to be on your website, or how to make it strategic. Many website builders are just pretty and don’t help you with your strategy, the most important part of your website these days.

Consider something in the middle

What if you could have the advantages of both? You can gain the knowledge of a web designer, have a beautiful, professionally designed website, and have the satisfaction of doing it yourself! Our templates in the site shop, provide you with all of the tools and strategies for a website that works for you.

Discover the perfect font for your project


We’re here to help! If you’re stuck deciding on which Font is best for you, take our quiz to get matched to our top font picks for your aesthetic in just a few clicks.

It only takes 1 minute


use code SITESMADESIMPLE for 15% off your website purchase

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