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Showit vs WordPress: 4 Comparisons to Help You Choose the Best Platform for Your Website

Let’s dive deep into the comparison of Showit vs WordPress to help you make an informed decision. When it comes to creating an online presence, choosing the right platform to build your website is crucial. In the vast universe of website builders, two names often come up: Showit and WordPress. Each offers unique strengths, but how do you decide which one is the best fit for your needs?

What is Showit?

Showit is a drag-and-drop website builder that’s known for its high level of creative freedom and design flexibility. It’s particularly popular among photographers, designers, and other creative professionals who prioritize visual aesthetics in their website design. Showit allows users to create custom layouts without any coding knowledge, making it a great choice for those who want to uniquely express their brand visually.

What is WordPress?

WordPress, on the other hand, is the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). It powers a significant portion of the internet and is celebrated for its versatility and robust features. WordPress offers extensive customization options through themes and plugins, making it suitable for everything from blogs and small business websites to large corporate portals and online shops.

Showit vs WordPress: Ease of Use


  • User Interface: Showit offers a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that makes website design straightforward even for beginners.
  • Design Freedom: It provides extensive design capabilities without the need for coding, allowing complete creative control over the look and feel of the website.


  • Flexibility: While WordPress can have a steeper learning curve, it offers unparalleled flexibility and control, particularly useful for sites requiring functionality beyond basic design.
  • Customization: With thousands of themes and plugins, WordPress is highly customizable but may require some technical knowledge to fully exploit its capabilities.

Showit vs WordPress: Features and Functionality


  • Design-First Approach: Showit’s strength lies in its design capabilities, ideal for visually-driven sites.
  • Integration with WordPress: Showit allows users to integrate WordPress blogs seamlessly into their sites, combining Showit’s design strengths with WordPress’s blogging prowess.


  • Extensive Plugins: From SEO tools to social media integration and beyond, WordPress plugins extend the functionality of your site to meet nearly any need.
  • Large Community: The vast WordPress community means extensive support options, from forums and tutorials to professional services.

Showit vs WordPress: SEO and Performance


  • SEO Capabilities: Showit has made strides in SEO, but its capabilities are generally considered less robust than WordPress, particularly for complex SEO strategies.


  • SEO Excellence: WordPress is known for its strong SEO features, with numerous plugins like Yoast SEO that guide you through optimizing each page and post for better search engine rankings.

Showit vs WordPress: Cost


  • Subscription Model: Showit charges a monthly fee that includes hosting and can be higher than basic WordPress hosting costs, especially for higher tiers needed for larger sites.


  • Flexible Hosting Options: WordPress itself is free, but hosting costs vary. You have the flexibility to choose a hosting provider that fits your budget and scale up as needed.

Making the Right Choice

The decision between Showit vs WordPress depends largely on your specific needs:

  • Choose Showit if you prioritize unique designs and need a simple, intuitive platform without requiring deep customization or functionality.
  • Opt for WordPress if you need a comprehensive, scalable platform with extensive functionality, customization options, and strong SEO capabilities.

No matter which platform you choose, both Showit and WordPress are powerful tools that can help you build a compelling online presence. Your decision should align with your long-term digital goals and the specific needs of your project.

Need help choosing which platform to use? Schedule a free consultation, and we’d be happy to share our suggestions!

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